Once on the verge of extinction the geckos are now making a come back in the reptile community. They are easy to care for and have prehensile tails which means...


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Availability: Out Of Stock
Sku: 1441
Once on the verge of extinction the geckos are now making a come back in the reptile community. They are easy to care for and have prehensile tails which means they are a blast to play with. These geckos are great pets and we have lots to choose from. Some have specialty ID's due to rare or exciting color patterns. Crested Geckos are great to keep in naturalistic environments, because they can climb almost any surface. A 10-20 gallon tank is perfect for the roaming space needed. Branches, Pathos plants, and a substrate of peat moss mixed with coconut soil is perfect for their enrichment needs that keep them happy and healthy. Pathos plants are perfect due to their sturdy nature and wide leaves that also provide perfect dripping plants that the geckos can drink off when misted. Crested geckos eat fruit and insects in the wild and in captivity it is best to either provide them with mashed fruit baby food or Repashy Superfoods “Crested Gecko” as well as crickets a few times a week. A bowl of shallow water should also be provided as well as weekly misting in order to keep humidity at a healthy level.

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