We are proud to offer a series of services that will assist in making your life as a reptile care taker easier. Our services are either considered in-home services or in-store services, all of which are done by Painted Reptile trained employees. Services vary from reptile specific health maintence to in-home cage setup and repair.
In-home services are done on a quote by quote basis, so you must speak with a representative in our facilites to prepare a quote for you. We will ask a series of questions to get all the details needed for the quote. Feel free to call anytime and ask for a reptile services quote. 818-654-9441
In-store services have set prices, however prices are subject to change based on the size of of the animal or situation. For example- large aggressive monitors will cost more for nail trims then a juvenile bearded dragon.) Price changes for in-home services are very rare, but do occur. All Painted Reptile staff can assist you with in-store reptile services or questions at anytime. If easier you may also email support@paintedreptile.com to send over any questions you may have.
Painted Reptile also offers consulting services for private reptile owners and business owners. Our expert team is able to give you adequate and important consulting to offer you a better overall reptile experience. We will help you figure our better ways to spend you time and money, while creating the best life possible for your reptile whether it's one beloved pet or a breeding colony.
In Store Reptile Services
Nail Trims- We offer nail trims on all lizard and tortoise species. When reptile nails are to long they can be snagged on cage decor causing damage to their hands and toes. When your reptiles nails are not trimmed then it will be uncomfortable when holding and interating with your pet. Please call the store to book your nail trim ahead of time.
Sex determination- We offer sex determination on all animals. In some reptile species the sex can be indentifiyed with a simple google search. But outher animals like snakes and monitors require probing to determine the sex. Our trained staff are capable of probing and sexing all reptile species that require it. We do offer small discounts for doing multiple animals.
Mite Wash- Reptiles will sometimes get a type of ectoparastie known as mites. These tiny animals suck the blood from reptiles and if not treated properly can lead to the death of your reptile. Our trained staff will assisst in mite wash and looking over your animal until they are mite free. This will give you time to treat and clean your cage. Please keep in mind most cases require more then one treatment for getting rid of mites. We have very strict policies fro mite appointments. They mus be booked in advance and the reptile must wait in the front of the store until our staff is ready.
Fecal Samples- Just like reptiles getting ectoparasites, they can also get endoparasties as well. These will including things like round worms, tape worms, ascaris, coccidia and many more. Altough we will not be able to treat your reptile or perscribe meds, we are able to use our microscopes to examine your reptiles poop in a fecal sample. All you need to do is be on the look out for when your reptile poops, throw the fresh poop in a bag and bring it to Painted Reptile. We will let you know if we see any tiny friends in the poop.
Eye Cap Remvoal- Snakes are known for getting their eye caps stuck when they shed. Sometimes the eye caps become stuck to their eyes and start to build up. This can cause growth of bacteria and damage to the eye including blindness. The eye caps needs to be carefully removed and proper procedure needs to be taken to help remove the eye cap safely. Painted Reptile has trained staff experinced in eye cap removal, so you may call anytime for an appointment. (Please be aware that in very severe occasions the eye caps can not be removed without the help veterinarian. In these case you will be referred to our prefered vet.)
In Home Reptile Services
Cage Cleaning- When you are running a busy schedule at work, getting time to clean your reptile cage on a regular basis, can get a little bogged down. That is totally okay becuase Painted Reptile offer reptile cage cleaning services for any size tank. Call for quotes today.
Cage Maintence and Repair- We love building reptile cages and have spent many years creating custom builds for for various animals. So we are well equipped to help with reptile cage repairs and maintenance. We are able to fix leaks, fix broken lids, help with structrual issues, along with doing any repairs to custom enclosures.
New Product Setup- Whether you purcahsed a new reptile setup from Painted Reptile or from another company we are here to help! We can help get you up and running and understaning your new products in no time! Painted Reptile staff is full trained with practically all reptile equipment and setups. Call us to get help setting up our new reptile prodcuts.
Health Checks- Rountine heath checks and monitor of reptile diets and appendages can help with sustaining the longevity of your reptile. Our staff will look over non medical checks points to make sure your reptile is living the healthiest life possible. We take weights, scan for mites, look for broken toes or toe nails, along with some other Painted Reptile Health Check Points
Pet Sitting- Pet sitting is a business that requires a complete trust in the care one is giving your animal, but also requires trust in the individuals entering your house. Painted Reptile is fully insured and bonded and offers the most professional reptile and pet sitting services in Los Angeles. We have the best equipment, highly trained staffed and are great at following the needs of your reptiles and your home. Join our growing family of customers using our pet sitting services. If you are not intersted in petting sitting we do offer reptile boarding fees as well.
Assist Feeding- Many reptiles, espically Ball Pythons can be stubborn and stop eating. This can be for many reasons including but not limited to, hibernation confusion, fear of food, improper cage setup and imporper heating. These situations can cause animals to drop weight rapid and require assist feeding to get back on track. We are seasoned vets when it comes to assist feeding and can easily help with getting your reptiles back on track.
Reptile Consulting
Facility Setup and Management Strageties- Painted Reptile offers private reptile consulting for customers with large private collections, people looking to move into breeding and small businesses looking for a boost of knowledge to get them started. You will work directly with our owner and founder to develop mangement strageties and facility game plans that work best for your facilities needs. Get started with the most direct and straight forward consulting you will need.