Curly Hair Tarantula Care Sheet
Curly Hair Tarantula
Common name : Curly Hair Tarantula
Species name : brachypelma albopilosum
Group of family : brachypelma
PR keeper level : 2
PR handler level : 1
Species background or natural history : This species is one of the most popular brachypelma species in the hobby. This species is popular due to its docile temperament , visual appearance , and ease of care.
Physical description : This species has curly golden brown hairs covering it's body but looks black from the distance . Due to its curly hairs this species has a wooly like appearance . Adults max out at around 6 inches with females being heavier bodied than males and with males being leggier.
Distribution : this species is found throughout the east of Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. It is found in scrubland, brush, and the edges of forest
Life span : Males live around 4 years and die soon after they mature , females live up to 10 years.
Caging : You can keep this species in a 5 or 8 gallon enclosure as adults , Slings can be kept in a pill bottle and moved up to a deli cup as they grow. Enclosures that don't have mesh tops are recommended , because many tarantulas climb to the top and may get their tarsus caught and can potentially loose a leg . High levels of substrate are also recommended because tarantulas do climb and fall , and a fall from a few inches could be fatal. This species are opportunistic burrowers and sometimes create burrows if given enough substrate. Zoomed Eco earth is a great substate choice.
Cage decor if any :this species requires a hide to minimize stress , the zoomed medium Habba hut is a great choice. Fake plants can also be added to enhance the enclosure .
Temp: this species should be kept at 70 - 85 degrees.
Heating and lighting : this species doesn't need any heating or lighting as long as your house stays at 65°-80°F. If your house drops below that , a small portable heater is recommended to heat up the room.
Humidity and water : the humidity should stay at 65%-80%. To keep the humidity at this level , half of the enclosure should be wet and allowed to completely dry out. For an adult you can use a small exo terra kidney dish or a zoomed repti rock water dish as a water bowl , and a bottle cap for a smaller specimen.
Diet and feeding : this species can feed on crickets , super worms , locust , and roaches as long as the prey item is of an appropriate size.
Supplements : tarantulas do not need supplements
Breeding : This species breeds readily in captivity. You have to have a mature male and a mature female to breed. You must put the male in the females enclosure , if all goes well he will hold the females fangs with his tibial hooks and inject his sperm into the female. You must be ready to separate them once they are done mating , if not the female might try to eat the male. If the breeding was successful the female with produce an egg sack. When the time comes you will have to take the egg sack from the female , put in an incubator and cut the egg sack when its ready. You must then separate each sling and put them in individual containers.
Handling your new pet : this is one of the most docile tarantula species and almost never act skittish or defensive , which makes them a great tarantula to handle. This is a new world tarantula species so it does have the ability to flick urticating hairs but are reluctant to.