Asian Forest Scorpion
Common name : Asian forest Scorpion
Species name : Heterometrus spinifer
Group or family : heterometrus
PR keeper level : 4
PR handler level : 5
Species background or natural history : the Asian forest scorpion is one of the most popular pet scorpions , due to they're impressive size , ease of care , and availability .
Physical description : the Asian forest scorpion is one of the larges Scorpion species rivaling the emperor scorpions size . The Asian forest reaches lengths of up to 5 inches . They have huge pincers and seem black but are actually a dark blue .
Distribution : this species can be found throughout south east Asia ,and are usually found under logs .
Life span : this species lives 7 - 8 years .
Caging : Babys can be kept in Kritter keepers and can be moved up to a ten gallon tank ass they reach adult size .
Cage decor : A log or a piece of cork bark should be used so the scorpion can have a place to hide . Rock and fake plants can also be used for more cover to reduce stress
Heating and lighting : this species doesn't need any lighting , but a heat of may be necessary depending on your local weather . This species should be kept at 75-85 degrees .
Humidity and water : this species should be kept at 70 -80% humidity , and should always have a small shallow water dish to drink from .
Diet and feeding : this species can be fed appropriate sized crickets , worms , and roaches.
Supplements : scorpions do not need any supplements .
Breeding : in order to breed , this species must be paired up .
Handling your new pet : this species is nervous and semi aggressive so handling isn't advised .